Pregnancy release support
For those that have released a pregnancy, no matter the gestation, or are faced with deciding to end a pregnancy for any reason, Birth is still a requirement and adequate support is warranted. If choosing or planning for this experience outside of your home doesn’t resonate, you may want to trust and examine this desire and truth. These births are still worthy of honor, autonomy, reverence, acknowledgment, sovereignty, care, closure, ceremony. Green Lily is here to support those whom seek full autonomy over these tender experiences, outside the medical instustrial complex.
Giving birth to death
In the very delicate and soul shattering space of discovering that a baby has died in utero, (or at the time of birth), there are options outside the mainstream model, which allows for more freedom, privacy, comfort, integration… to name a few. No one should tell a mother or family, being met with this reality, when or how to birth the loss of their child. Keeping mothers and babies together postpartum is essential, no matter what the circumstance. Green Lily is honored and dedicated to this realm of birth and ensuring women and their families receive the love and care they deserve, while recognizing loss as an initiation, which deserves reverence, ceremony, and ritual.
conscious dying
As a midwife, I see Birth and Death as sisters. And so, being in service to families who wish to bring Birth back into the home, is just as important as supporting Death in the home and supporting home funerals. Birth and Death are comprised of the same transformative energy. People are born and people die, we can count on this, and it shouldn’t be viewed as, ‘the ultimate catastrophe’. Embracing our inescapable mortality and imagining how we die is incredibly important. How we are held during our passage into death and thereafter is essential, not just for ourselves but our loved ones surrounding us. We have the power to prepare for and enter this portal with honor, grace and intention. If you’ve never been introduced to this concept, here is a link to expand your awareness.
How we say Goodbye to our pets matters too!