Intuitive. Gentle. Woman-led Midwifery Care.




Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care is You taking care of You, and everything in between prenatal visits. The care I offer weaves my deep trust in the process, lived experience, ancient wisdom and current research to help support your journey to Birthing your baby and yourself.


Labor and Birth Support

Birth is meant to happen as if no one were there. Labor is a very efficient and effective system if it is allowed to unfold naturally. It is important for the women I help to know how qualified and powerful they are with or without a skilled birth witness present.


Sacred post partum

A woman is forever post partum. Caring for women and babies during the immediate post partum period, holds a special place in my heart. I offer and facilitate ancient healing practices, rituals and closing ceremonies to maximize well being and leave you feeling restored while discovering the Mother you are.